Gospel campaign
Second Baptist Church Boulder is a church that aims to place a central focus on sharing the gospel “good news” of Jesus Christ. We believe the gospel is the universal solution for the troubles in Boulder and in this world. Our ‘Wear and Share’ campaign will send our members out wearing this colorful bracelet. It consists of a series of colors which represent key aspects of the gospel message of salvation. We look forward to sharing the good news as we set out to transform hearts in Boulder - the city we love - with the redemptive power of the gospel!
Current Series
Serving the Lord.
Throughout the Bible we are called to serve the Lord. Serving Jesus in today’s world can be difficult, challenging, and even frustrating - yet it can also be rewarding, God-honoring, joyous, and a blessing to others. To be sure, serving the Lord is the highest honor and greatest joy. Join us as we use the Bible to instruct us on what serving the Lord involves and to illuminate all the wonderful blessings that flow from living a life that aims to please Jesus and bring glory to God!
Bible Study each Wednesday at 12:00 & 7:00PM.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3787196621?pwd=Wmo0c3ZsREd0K1grQVEyaVgybEFUdz09
Welcome to Second Baptist Church !
We are Second Baptist Church Boulder.
We use the Bible to transform our hearts and lives,
as God and the Holy Spirit help us spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
we welcome you
to worship God with us.
Sunday MORNING service - 11aM
Sunday school - 9:30am
Wednesday BIBLE STUDY - 12pm & 7pm
Click here to join us on zoom!
5300 baseline rd. boulder, co 80303
join us!
Gospel Conversation Campaign
In these challenging times, we know that the gospel (good news) message of salvation in Jesus Christ is much needed. Sadly, many Christians are not sharing the gospel. Please join us in our Gospel Conversations 2025 Campaign by telling others of God’s gracious offer of salvation in the Person and works of Jesus Christ for all who will believe!
Every time you share the gospel with someone - let us know by clicking HERE!
The historic Second Baptist Church of Boulder is a diverse, dynamic, Christ-centered church where love is mandatory, kingdom disciples are made, Jesus is Lord and God is glorified. Join us as we do this thing called life and engage the world with the redemptive power of the gospel. Join us as we proclaim the good news of salvation from God through faith in Jesus Christ to all!
Support us
God's divine plan to offer His free gift of salvation until Christ returns involves the strengthening and sustainability of His local churches. This involves giving. We add value to the lives of others through the sharing of our personal time, talent and financial resources. Please know that we always need and appreciate your generosity.
Click here and study the Bible with us this year!
Copyright 2025 Second Baptist Church Boulder
All Rights Reserved